Conference Sessions

February,08 2011

Co-Chairs: Abdulrahman Ahmed Obaidan Fakhroo (Qatar Petroleum), Bernie Fay (Baker Hughes Centrilift) and Magdy Kirolos (Al Khorayef Petroleum)
Time To No. Topic
09:00 09:30 Production Optimization: The link to electrical efficiency in ESP applications By Ryan Dodson (Baker Hughes)
08:00 08:30 Official Inauguration Ceremony
09:30 10:00 Should Uptime be incorporated into ESP contracts? By Lawrence Burleigh (Baker Hughes)
10:00 10:30 Coffee Break & Networking Session at Exhibition Area
Co-Chairs: Abdulrahman Ahmed Obaidan Fakhroo (Qatar Petroleum), Bernie Fay (Baker Hughes Centrilift) and Magdy Kirolos (Al Khorayef Petroleum)
Time To No. Topic
10:30 11:00 Application of the high temperature ESP gauges in steam flood wells By Julian Cudmore and Khalid Al Araimi (Zenith Oilfield Technology Ltd)
11:00 11:30 The Development of ESPs for reliable operation in CO2 recovery fields By Lawrence Burleigh (Baker Hughes)
11:30 12:00 High Reliability Type Gas Lift Equipment By William (Bill) Hearn (Weatherford)
12:00 12:30 Steam By-Pass Pump for cyclical steam stimulation (CSS): Thirty years of field experience By Brian Waterhouse (Weatherford)
12:30 13:30 Lunch Break
13:30 14:30 Artificial Lift Panel Session
Co-Chairs: Mohammed Al Shaikh (Occidental), Atika Bimani (Petroleum Development Oman) and Osman Kuyucu (Schlumberger)
Time To No. Topic
14:30 15:00 Artificial lift strategy using hotline ESPs in high temperature> By R.W. (Ron) Melnyk, Abel Andrade (Occidental Mukhaizna) and Yhossie Windiarto (Schlumberger)
15:00 15:30 Viscous oil production with ESP in Block A/B of Sudan By Nazar Abdel Bari (Petrodar Operating Company Ltd), and Luqiao Duan(Schlumberger)
15:30 16:00 Coffee Break & Networking Session at Exhibition Area
16:00 16:30 High Temperature ESP success in Huff and Puff application By Ahmed Barwani (Schlumberger), Klaus Scherwitzel (Petroleum Development Oman), Dodi Rochyat and Priyanka Thamma (Schlumberger)
16:00 17:00 Production optimization of heavy oil wells in south Oman using smart VSDs for beam pumps By Rick Biever, Nael Sadek, Mohamed Ghareeb (Lufkin), Hamood Al Sharji and Salim Al Qatabi (Occidental)
February,09 2011

Co-Chairs: Abdulrahman Ahmed Obaidan Fakhroo (Qatar Petroleum), Bernie Fay (Baker Hughes Centrilift) and Magdy Kirolos (Al Khorayef Petroleum)
Time To No. Topic
08:30 09:00 A web-enabled, integrated suite of real-time software applications designed to optimize oil production and field operations: Trial case history in Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) By Atika Said Al-Bimani, Salim Al-Busaidi, Saud Al-Nabi, Waleed Al-Qarshoobi (Petroleum Development Oman)
09:00 09:30 An accurate model to predict natural separation efficiency based on common field data By Anton Mikhailovich Shakirov (Al Khorayef Petroleum Company)
09:30 10:00 Realizing opportunities using integrated production modeling in Occidental of Sultanate of Oman By Mustafa Al Lawati, A Al Salmi (Occidental of Oman) and S Al Hajri, I Al Siyabi (Vision Advanced Petroleum Solution)
10:00 10:30 Using real time automated optimization & diagnosis to boost production-A case study By Julian Cudmore (Zenith Oilfield Technology)
10:30 11:00 Coffee Break & Networking Session at Exhibition Area
11:00 11:30 Completion optimization for beam pumped wells By Dr. Mohamed Ghareeb (Lufkin Industries) and Bob Greer (Odessa Separator)
11:30 12:00 South Oman PCP Rod Torque Control (RTC) pilot results By Salim Mohamed Al-Mahrooqi (Petroleum Development Oman)
12:00 13:00 Lunch
Co-Chairs: Saeed Al Shaheen (Kuwait Oil Company) and Mark Mahoney (Lufkin)
Time To No. Topic
13:00 13:30 Implementation of “Dual Concentric ESP” pilot in Kuwait Oil Company By Prasanna Mali, Mubarak Al Mutairi, Abdul Mohsen Al Obaidi (Kuwait Oil Company), Talal Al Binali (Schlumberger)
13:30 14:00 Successful offshore deployment of the first bottom discharge ESP in Saudi Aramco By Fahad Shinaiber, Abdul Hameed Aborshaid, Abdul Rahman Ghamdi, Sarfraz Jokhio, Mubarak Dhufairi (Saudi Aramco), and Rayyan Mofty (Schlumberger)
14:00 14:30 Artificial Lift Electric Submersible Pump Design considerations for oilfield operationsin Iraq By David P Davidson (Artificial Lift Pro Services Inc.)
14:30 15:00 An analysis and case study of common sucker road pumping failures and practical solutions to prevent reoccurrence By Mark W Mahoney (Lufkin Industries)
15:00 15:30 Progressing Cavity Pumps’ application envelope expands beyond the traditional – A summary of case histories By Brad Frederick, Ken Saveth, and Tim Soltys (Weatherford)
15:30 16:00 Coffee Break & Networking Session at Exhibition Area
Co-Chairs: Co-Chairs: Nasser Ahmed Al Rawahy (Daleel Petroleum) and Mohammed Al Shaikh (Occidental)
Time To No. Topic
16:00 16:30 Alternative Deployment method for ESPs in the Cliff Head offshore development By John Jay Mack, Travis James (Baker Hughes) and Simon Daniel (ROC Oil Company Ltd)
16:30 17:00 Alternative ESP Deployment in water supply wells using crane: North Oman fields By Harith Al Maqbali, Said Al Hatmi, Ali Al Maimani (Petroleum Development Oman) and Ahmed Al Barwani (Schlumberger)
17:00 17:10 Forum Summary and Conclusion Abdullah Al-Somali MEALF 2009 & 2011 Technical Committee Chairman