Conference Sessions

February,17 2009

Co-Chairs: Sanim Ali Bahzad (Qatar Petroleum) Bernie Fay (Baker Hughes Centrilift) and Magdy Kirolos (Alkhorayef)
Time To No. Topic
08:30 08:45 Introduction & Welcome Message Abdullah Al-Somali MEALF 2009 Technical Committee Chairman Artificial Lift Specialist, Saudi Aramco
08:45 09:00 Keynote Address of the Chief Guest H.E. Dr. Abdul Hussain Bin Ali Mirza Minister of Oil & Gas Affairs and Chairman of the National Oil & Gas Authority – Bahrain
09:00 09:30 Best practices implementation for best installation results By Fahad Yahya Al Yami and Sayed Warsi (Saudi Aramco)
09:30 10:00 Why do you need a step change in quality? By David Christmas (Schlumberger)
10:00 10:30 Coffee Break & Networking Session at Exhibition Area
Co-Chairs: Sanim Ali Bahzad (Qatar Petroleum) Bernie Fay (Baker Hughes Centrilift) and Magdy Kirolos (Alkhorayef)
Time To No. Topic
10:30 11:00 PCM VulcainTM pumps – Metal to Metal PCP Artificial Lift Systems By Abdel Ben-Amara (PCM Oil & Gas)
11:00 11:30 New Control Technology for Progressing Cavity Pumps By Kelly Woolsey (Kudu Industries Inc.)
11:30 12:00 Improving PCP Pump Performance through New Technology and System Design. A case history of PDVSA San Tome Operations By Bruce Weir (Tierra Alta)
12:00 12:30 New High Efficiency Reda Pump Stages By Albert Chip Ollre (Schlumberger)
12:30 13:30 Lunch Break
13:30 14:30 Artificial Lift Panel Session
Co-Chairs: Nelson Mejia (Occidental), Nasser A. Salem (ADCO), and David Christmas (Schlumberger)
Time To No. Topic
14:30 15:00 Dump Water Flooding Trials in Petroleum Development Oman By Mohamad Iqbal Sipra, Ahmed Azkawi, Jan Brinkhorst, Mark Reeves, Dey Arunangshu,Paul Vlaarkamp (Petroleum Development Oman) and Ibrahim Shaibani, Irina Osipova, Fouad Eid, Reza Dadrass, and Metwaly Ibrahim (Schlumberger)
15:00 15:30 Beam Pumping Automation for Heavy Oil Wells at Scimitar, Egypt By Nael Nabil Sadek (Lufkin Automation), Dr. Mohamed Ghareeb (Lufkin Industries), and Ahmed El Gatase (Scimitar Production Egypt)
15:30 16:00 Coffee Break & Networking Session at Exhibition Area
16:00 16:30 Advantages of using Jet Pumps to Dewater Gas Wells and for Frac Fluid Recovery By Toby S Pugh (Weatherford International)
16:30 17:00 Gas lift diagnosis using WellTracer Survey – successful trials in 20 wells of Petroleum Development Oman By Chandran Peringod, James Clark and Didier Barboussat (PDO), Larry Peacock (AppSmiths) and Jeff Holloway (Oryx)
February,18 2009

Co-Chairs: Mark Mahoney (Lufkin), Ahmed Shoukry (Weatherford) and Suleiman Al Mantheri (Petroleum Development Oman)
Time To No. Topic
08:30 09:00 Managing of ESP operation on Daleel fields using integrated problem diagnosis model By Dr. Miso Solesa, (Borets Company), Nasser Ahmed Al-Rawahy (Daleel Petroleum LLC), and Kirill Muromtsev (Borets Seven Seas Co. LLC)
09:00 09:30 Trial of Dynapump in Kuwait Oil Company – A case study By Riyadh Al-Enezi, Waleed Al-Qailani, Abeer Al-Ali, M.L.Chawla (Kuwait Oil Company), Ibrahim K. Ibrahim and Yasser Moh. Abdal Aziz (Flare Petroleum Services).
09:30 10:00 ntelligent Long Stroke Hydraulic Pumping System Reduces Well Intervention Costs While Maximizing Energy Efficiency By Wallace Herve Huard and J. F. Lea (DynaPump, Inc.)
10:00 10:30 Dual Pod ESPs enhances performance and mitigates risk for TOTAL E&P Qatar By Ernesto Cuadros, Said Elazabi, Abdalla Tajeldin Abdalla (Schlumberger) and Roland Combellas, Christian Terre, Bertrand Szymkowski (Total), and Abdulla Al Suwaidi, Mohamed Rushdan Jaafar (Qatar Petroleum)
10:30 11:00 Coffee Break & Networking Session at Exhibition Area
11:00 12:00 Lessons learned from first Saudi Aramco offshore field fully operated with ESP By Ahmed Ramdhan Al Zahrani, Abdulghany H Al-Nasser, Bruce Norman (Saudi Aramco) and Sudhakar Khade (Schlumberger)
12:00 12:30 Dual ESP in a single capsule: An alternative to ESP dual completion using Y-Tools By Ignacio Martinez, Victor Villacorta, William Cela, Hermilio Ramos and Orlando Rivera (Baker Hughes – Centrilift) and Miguel Salas (Pemex)
12:30 13:30 Lunch
Co-Chairs: Saeed Al Shaheen (Kuwait Oil Company), Robin Edwards (Lufkin) and Nasser Al Rawahy (Daleel Petroleum)
Time To No. Topic
13:30 14:00 Rod Pump Control Technology Testing By Omer Khan (EDGO-Oman), Nael N. Sadek (Lufkin Automation), and Terry Treiberg (Theta Enterprise)
14:00 14:30 Application of Beam pumping system for high gas/oil ratio wells By M. Ghareeb (Lufkin Industries, Inc.), B. Frost (Odessa Separator, Inc), C. Tarr (Harbison-Fischer), and Nael N. Sadek (Lufkin Automation)
14:30 15:00 Protection against Mechanical Impurities By Danila Martyushev (Novomet)
15:00 15:30 Coffee Break & Networking Session at Exhibition Area
15:30 16:00 Production Increase Utilizing Jet Pump Technology By Alan C Himes (JPTS Oilfield Services WLL)
16:00 16:30 Data Overload in Artificial Lift Well Management By Julian Richard Cudmore (Zenith Oilfield Technology)
16:30 17:00 Pushing the Limits – Taking ESP systems to 250 Degree C By Lawrence Burleigh (Baker Hughes – Centrilift)
17:00 17:10 Forum Summary and Conclusion Abdullah Al-Somali MEALF 2009 Technical Committee Chairman