Conference Sessions

February,19 2007

Session I:ESP Applications
Co-Chairs: Centrilift and Petroleum Development Oman
Time To No. Topic
07:30 08:30 Registration & Light Breakfast
08:30 08:40 Welcome note Nasser Al-Rawahy, Chairman MEALF 2007 Committee, Snr. Production Technologist – Daleel Petroleum
08:40 09:00 Inauguration and Keynote speaker: H.E. Nasser Al Jashmi (to be confirmed) Undersecretary, Ministry of Oil & Gas
09:00 09:30 Electric Submersible Pump (ESP) Selection Optimization: A Reservoir Engineering Outlook Abdullah al Qahtani (Saudi Aramco)
09:30 10:00 Root Causes for Failure of Electrical Submersible Pumping (ESP) Systems in West Kuwait Khalid Al Rasheedi and M. L. Chawla (Kuwait Oil Company)
10:00 10:30 Break
10:30 11:00 Electrical Submersible Pumps in OXY Oman: The history so Far and the Challenges ahead Rafael Lastra (Occidental of Oman)
11:00 11:30 Field Application of POD System for Producing Multiple Reservoirs in Masila Block, Yemen Abdulrahman Ali Al Gunaid and Kevin Snively (Canadian Nexen Petroleum Yemen)
11:30 12:00 Failure Analysis of Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion in Middle Eastern Applications Dan Lynn Adams and Charles Wheeler (Baker Hughes Centrilift)
12:00 13:00 Lunch
Session II : Rod Pumping & Other Applications
Co-Chairs: Weatherford and Saudi Aramco
Time To No. Topic
13:00 13:30 Beam Pumping System for Deep High Volume Wells Mohamed M. Ghareed (Lufkin Industries), Shedid A. Shedid (University of Western Australia), and Mozher Ibrahim (Suez Canal University)
13:30 14:00 The Value of Automation in Well Testing of Beam Pumping Wells Jeffrey DaCunha and Nael Sadek (Lufkin Automation) and Joe Alexander (Enerplus Resources Fund)
14:00 14:30 Twenty Five Years of Case Histories Prove Economic and Operational Advantages of Ultra-Long Stroke Pumping Units Susan R. Beck (Weatherford)
14:30 15:00 Break
15:00 15:30 An Innovative Approach to Uncreasing PCP Runlife Julian Richard Cudmore (Zenith Oilfield Technology Ltd.)
15:30 16:00 PCP Stators – Key Factors Affecting Performance Dr. Ricardo Pardey and Ken Soueth (Baker Hughes Centrilift)
16:00 17:00 Artificial Lift Panel Session
17:00 18:00 Networking reception in the exhibition area (all forum delegates)
19:00 23:00
February,20 2007

Session III :Gas Lifting & New Technologies
Co-Chairs: ADCO + Qatar Petroleum + Harbison Fischer / Lufkin
Time To No. Topic
08:30 09:00 First In-Situ Gas Lift System in Offshore Saudi Aramco Adullah A. Al Somali (Saudi Aramco)
09:00 09:30 Singe Point Injection Strategy and Results in Naturally Fractured Beaver Lodge Madison Unit Horizontal Completions in North Dakota Keith Fangmeier (Hess Corporation)
09:30 10:00 Gas Lift Optimization in Idd El Shargi North Dome Patrick Lee Matthews (Occidental Petroleum of Qatar, Ltd.)
10:00 10:30 Break
10:30 11:00 Direct Current Motors with Permanent Magnets – More Downhole Flexibility Miso Solesa, Dr. V. Sagalovskiy (PK Borets)
11:00 11:30 Multiphase Pumps in Synergy with Artificial Lift Neil E. Gibeau (Weatherford International)
11:30 12:00 Experiences Gained with the Application of Dual ESP Systems with Y Tool in Qatar Emmanuel Pradie, Joanes Bertin, and Adrien Broche (Total), and Khaled Elsheikh, Reza Dadras, and Brian Scott (Schlumberger)
12:00 13:00 Lunch
Session IV : Artificial Lift in Heavy Oil Applications
Co-Chairs: Kuwait Oil Company and Schlumberger
Time To No. Topic
13:00 13:30 Artificial-Lift Selection & Design for Down-Hole Sampling and Heavy Oil Multi-Zone Testing Ali Abdullah Lamki, Said Hajri, and Masoud Salmi (Petroleum Development Oman)
13:30 14:00 An ALS Solution for Low Pressure SAGD William Hucman (Weatherford Canada Partnership)
14:00 14:30 Artificial Lift Database (ALD) Niaz Al Ajmi and Sheikha Al Barwani (Petroleum Development Oman)
14:30 15:00 Break
15:00 16:00 Panel Session
16:00 16:30 Summary of Breakouts & Panel Sessions
16:30 17:00 Forum Summary / Close Out Nasser Al-Rawahy Chairman MEALF 2007 Committee, Snr. Production Technologist, Daleel Petroleum